Friday, November 5, 2010

What kids are reading

You know your child, or if you are still a youth, or have young family members, think about where you set the bar at reading ability.  Everyone has a different rate of development, cognitive, emotional and physical maturity.  Some kids have a tough time reading Are You My Mother, others fly through the Hobbit in a week, but reading is important regardless of age.  Read to your kids!  Let them pick books to read to you.

Here's a sentence in a book that my 9 and 11 year old boys read:

The chasm emptied into an even more enormous chamber, at the center of which was a gigantic geodesic sphere that was sheathed in smooth hexagonal plates, which emitted an eerie white radiance.*
 How's that for reading material?  Don't think your kids can't handle larger vocabulary and topics.  This is so individualized, I hestitate to make any bold statements.  But unless they read, how will they learn vocab in context, sentence structure, proper punctuation, subject matter, communication, and the list goes on! 

Knowledge is power, and that power comes through learning, learning comes through reading.  Read on!

Cursed of the black hole pirates,  Star Wars – the clone wars, secret missions 2

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