Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where to find a good review

I hope one day to make this site more prolific, which is tough right now with young ones biting my ankles.  So here's a few more sites you might like to visit that have some nice books reviews on.

New York Times review - Of course, many love to see what's on the NY Times bestseller lists.

Becky's Book Review - I really enjoy her blog site, good reviews.

Goodreads - More than just reviews, it's all books and authors and friends.  Think a bit like facebook for the reading geeks.  I live here.

Teen Books Forum - You don't need to be a teen to visit this forum, just if you like YA.  Not full reviews mostly, but chat about your favorites.

Young Adult Book Reviews - Just found this one, but it has a nice, simple set up.

Remember, though, that reviews can be so subjective.  I have found that book jackets and what the book is actually about can vary widely.  Sometimes there's just such a generic feel about the book and you're not sure you'll like it, then is a good time to read a review.  But I never just read one, always a few, and you'll see what one person may hate, others will love, so don't give up on something just from a review.  Most reviewers keep to the basic storyline and why they liked or disliked the book, rather than giving spoilers away, and if so, a "spoilers" blurb is likely to be mentioned.

Keep on reading!

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